[Buying Guide] Phytospecific Relaxer Review

phytospecific relaxer review

My hair is of type 4c, i planned to grow it longer and it grew very well, but when it keeps growing i started to feel my hair is very hard to manage, it takes at least 2 days to deep condition and style it, it is very annoying sometimes especially for the lazy people … Read more

Can I Clarify Hair Before Relaxing Process?

Can you clarify hair before relaxing

Relaxing your hair is awesome, who else doesn’t like turning from an annoying frizzy, or a curly hair to a straight and awesome looking hair, but before relaxing your hair you should definitely have this question in your mind and you should have found the answer for it by the time you start to relax … Read more

12 Best Professional Relaxers For Black Hair in 2022

best relaxer for black hair

Relaxers are used to straighten the hair, it is mostly used by the people having curly hair. choosing chemical products are not the easiest one as we think especially when it comes to your hair, you have to be careful because there is a chance of hair fall every time you choose a wrong product. … Read more