Can Rebonded Hair be Highlighted?

Can rebonded hair be highlighted? Highlighting and any other chemical treatment like perming is not good for your hair both before and after rebonding hair, bleaching or coloring will completely damage your hair since both are harsh chemical involved process, experts says that you should wait 3 to 6 months before chemically treating the reminded hair, so the answer is you should not highlight your hair after rebonding.

Can rebonding and coloring be done together?

Both coloring and rebonding uses same chemicals named alkali, alkali close the hair cuticles and makes it dry, when these two process are done together it means that they are damaging the hair twice, so you should not do it together.

Can i rebond my hair after 1 year of bleaching?

Yes, since the average lifespan of bleach is around 6 months, every damages caused due to bleaching your hair will be recovered, so it is extremely safe to remind your hair after 1 year of bleaching it.

How often should you rebond your hair?

If it is done in a salon it will last for almost 6 months, and if it is done by you at home it lasts anywhere from 3 to 4 months, however you need to touch up once your natural hair starts to show up.


