Best ways to care for your hair after smoothening!

We all need a healthy-looking and easy to manage hair but unfortunately the condition of our hair and the environment doesn’t allow our hair to be in a good condition,

Due to this our hair become dry, frizzy and damaged,

In order to manage our hair we undergo some hair treatments and reverse our hair to its old condition.

We are going to discuss all the do s and don’t s and also the best possible ways to care your smoothened hair.

What is hair smoothening?

Hair smoothening is a kind of hair straightening but it involves less chemicals than the straightening methods, it is a temporary way that makes your hair soft and shiny and helps to get your hair away from frizz that helps your hair to be easily manageable.

How to do hair smoothening?

Here are the steps involved in hair smoothening

  1. At first your hair is deeply cleaned with a shampoo.
  2. Straightening cream is applied to your hair in order to prevent your hair damage caused by the straightening iron.
  3. The hair is blow dried and ironed with the hair straightener

Do’s and Sony’s after hair smoothening

  • Make sure the water do not reach your hair up to 3 days after the treatment,
  • Do not use the harsh shampoo, our recommendation is below,
  • Do not use the straightening irons
  • Do not use hair bands and head bands for 3 days
  • Do not use hair brush, and make sure to use wide toothed comb,
  • Eat healthy food
  • Use the leave in conditioner to prevent your hair from breakage and dryness.

Here are some FAQs regarding Hair smoothening.

Is smoothening good for hair?

Any procedures that involves the hair straightener are not good for hair, but the chemicals involved in this process is milder than the one that is involved in hair straightening so it can be done, but doing it often can cause severe hair fall.

Here are few side effects of hair smoothening

  1. You can experience a severe hair fall,
  2. Due to the chemicals involved you may experience dizziness, teary eyes and itchiness in your skin
  3. Your natural hair texture may be damaged,
  4. Your hair may become extremely dry,
  5. You can experience dandruff problems because of dry hair,
  6. Because of the hair damage, your hair can get split ends,
  7. Hair may become gray

The above mentioned are the side effects of hair smoothening, so it is very important to take care of your smoothened hair,

Don’t overdo it.

Does smoothening cause gray hair?

As we have already mentioned, the chemicals that are involved in the smoothening process can cause your hair to become gray.

Can i tie my hair after smoothening?


It is not advised to use any hair bands or head bands to tie your hair for atleast 3 days because the structure of your hair may be changed,

It is advised to take care of your hair like a newborn baby for the first 3 days, even a small mistake can mess your hair up.

Can i use normal shampoo after smoothening?

As your hair is already treated with chemicals, it is advised to use the shampoo that doesn’t contains some of the harsh chemicals like sulphate,

Use a mold shpoo and try to be gentle with your hair.

Can i oil my hair after smoothening?

As we have already mentioned don’t do anything to your hair for 3 days or

Leave it a week and you can oil after that, yes the oil helps to strengthen your hair also so it is advised to use oil to your hair.

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