How long do cornrows last?

The longevity of cornrows can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the braids, the texture of your hair, and how well you maintain them. On average, cornrows can last anywhere from two to six weeks.

If you have fine or straight hair, your cornrows may not last as long as someone with thicker or coarser hair. Similarly, if you’re rough with your hair or expose it to a lot of heat or chemicals, your cornrows may not last as long as someone who takes good care of their hair.

Do cornrows last longer than braids?

Cornrows and braids are both protective styles that can last for several weeks. However, the longevity of each style can depend on several factors, including the size and tension of the braids, the texture of your hair, and how well you take care of your hair.

Cornrows tend to last longer than braids for a few reasons. Firstly, cornrows are usually smaller and tighter than braids, which can help them stay in place for longer periods of time. This also means that cornrows can be more time-consuming to install than larger braids, but they may last longer as a result.

Additionally, cornrows are often styled closer to the scalp, which can help distribute the weight of the hair more evenly and reduce tension on individual strands. Braids, on the other hand, may be more likely to cause tension or pulling on certain sections of hair, which can lead to breakage or premature unraveling.

However, it’s important to note that the longevity of cornrows and braids can vary greatly depending on how well you take care of your hair. Regular washing, conditioning, and moisturizing can help keep your scalp and hair healthy, which can help your protective style last longer. Additionally, protecting your hair at night and avoiding excessive tension or pulling can also help extend the life of your cornrows or braids.

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