Are you looking for how to prepare Banana nut bread, then this is the right place for you to learn the easiest way

Ingredients used:
- 1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
- 1/2 cup of unsalted butter, the important thing is it should be kept at the room temperature
- Take 3 ripped bananas smashed into juice, remember don’t use the mixer grinder to smash it, just smash it with the spoon or fork
- 2 eggs which should also be kept at room temperature
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1/2 cup of toasted walnuts
- 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence
- 1 teaspoon of baking or cooking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
Banana nut bread will be ready in just 3 steps, and now let us dive into the preparation
Step 1
- Mix the flour, baking soda and the salt into a medium sized bowl and keep it aside
- Mix the egg and vanilla essence into a cup and stir it well and keep it aside
- Apply the butter on the pan and preheat the oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit
Step 2
- Mix the butter and sugar in a electric mixer or the normal one untile the butter and sugar mix well and becomes smooth and fluffy
- Now pour the egg mixer into the butter slowly and mix it well
- Add the banana mixer into the pan
Step 3
- With the rubber spatula mix the flour mixer well
- Add the walnuts to the mixture and transfer it to the pan
- Insert a toothpick on the mixture
- Bake it for 50 to 55 minites
- When you take the toothpick there will be no mixture sticked to it which means the bread is cooked well
- Take the banana nut bread out of the oven and let it cool completely
- Wrap an aluminium foil or a plastic paper and serve it.
- Banana nut bread is best to serve the next day after it is made
Now you have learned how to make banana nut bread in an easiest way and here are 3 common questions that you may have regarding the banana and banana bread, and here are the answer for those, keep reading
1) Which is the perfect season to cook banana nut bread?
Eventhough banana is good for health, it is better to make it on summer because it is known for its cool nature, so it will help you cool your body on summer days.
2) Is banana nut bread bad for weight loss?
Not at all, but if you take it often then it is going to be a diet enemy which may even cause you to gain weight.
3)For what are the bananas good for
Bananas are good for many things and one of them is piles problem, banana is known for its coolness and piles is caused because of your body heat so the bananas help you reduce your body heat and make the piles go away from you.
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